Fresh or Faux? Exploring the Beauty of Artificial Flowers

In my previous blog post, I briefly touched upon my background and my lifelong affinity for flowers. However, you may wonder why I have developed a particular fondness for faux flowers. Here’s the story…

During a particularly stressful time at work, I found myself in need of a reprieve from the daily grind. Instead of opting for yet another fleeting bouquet of fresh flowers for my kitchen, I decided to pay a visit to a local supplier and purchased a selection of faux flowers. My intention was to experiment and create a beautiful arrangement for one of the rooms in our house.

What began as a simple afternoon of working with foam tea roses unexpectedly transformed into an all-consuming fascination with artificial flowers over the ensuing weeks. As I delved deeper into this newfound passion, I discovered that time seemed to slip away effortlessly while I immersed myself in crafting intricate arrangements. The process left me feeling so relaxed and content, I was defiantly in ‘the zone’!

Considering my role as a full-time military musician, which required me to relocate and split my time between two different locations in Buckinghamshire and Lincolnshire, I realised that utilising faux flowers allowed me to continue indulging in my hobby without any concern about my flowers perishing in my absence!

Inspired by this revelation, I made the decision to launch a business centered solely around faux flowers, thus giving rise to Flowers by A.


The cost of Flowers: Comparing Fresh vs. Faux


Flautist to Florist: Introducing Flowers by A